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Tornado Pulper

Handles the materials considered impossible to defiber

X-Clone™ Through-Flow Cleaner

The heart of the tornado is its unique rotor/stator design which has nine vanes and lobes that are perfectly balanced for optimum pulping. The only moving part is the rotor. This patented design allows the Tornado pulper to perform four distinct functions simultaneously:

1. Maximum Agitation – Minimum Cycle Time

The mill-proven rotor/stator design provides positive agitation with no dead spots. The conical interface of the rotor and stator creates a pressure increase across the rotor providing tremendous pumping action and positive flow through the defibering zone at 3,000 GPM (36” unit).

2. Extraction Through Defibering Zone

The tremendous pumping action and high rate stock flow through the defibering zone, plus stock recirculation for repeated treatment provides for complete fiber separation. Maximum defibering without fiber degradation is made possible by close clearances between the stator and rotor of 0.010” to 0.015”. To maintain optimum clearances throughout rotor and stator life, the tornado has external adjustments for setting the rotor gap.

3. Primary Size Reduction

Oversize slabs and difficult to defiber scrap materials are rapidly broken up by the Tornado’s unique angle of attack between the rotor and stator. The scissors-like intersection of the leading edges of the rotor and stator lobes provides positive gripping and shredding of incoming material for initial size reduction. Oversize pieces escape via a valley between the stator lobes, avoiding possible plugging. These pieces are returned repeatedly to the interface and are quickly reduced to flakes suitable for extraction.

4. Recirculation And Rapid Submergence

The stock passing through the defibering zone is recirculated through an exterior loop and delivered back to the pulper tank. This return flow provides positive submergence of broke and large slabs by forcing the furnish downward to the rotor. Recirculation also promotes maximum homogeneity.

Tornado Pulper

Other Materials Processed by the Tornado

  • High Wet Strength Paper and Board Products: Converted to individual fibers and recycled into new products for board mills or paper mills

  • Textiles, Carpet, and More: Converted to individual fibers for a variety of purposes including making of paper

  • Plastic Sheet Materials: Converted to very small particles suitable for co-firing boilers for the production of electricity

  • Agricultural Waste and Purpose Grown Crops: Transformed to fibers for a myriad of products

  • Meat Processing Waste Including Large Bones and/or Carcasses: Pulverized in a matter of minutes for conversion to a variety of products for fertilizer or composting

© Kadant Inc.